A Sustainable Wellness Model - Medicare & Prevention
/Outcomes outcomes outcomes. Why has wellness been slow to take root ? Outcomes....
Getting on a treadmill does not an outcome make and therefore the theory of how fitness makes people healthier has to date undermined the huge opportunity. Realize that for-profit fitness is $20 Billion a year compared to over $2 Billion a year for traditional medicine, with over 75% of that cost being related to lifestyle oriented diseases. Our health care system cannot afford it and costs must be driven out. Watch the video about how unsustainable our sick care system is.
When the extant fitness industry realizes the motherload of all business opportunities is emerging, value added proven prevention, the shift from membership models will be approaching - but we need the funds shifted from sick care to prevention. . A recent announcement that Medicare will reimburse for the Ornish and Pritikin programs is a step in the right direction. As a recent Blog post by Health Quack of the Healthcare Industry and Policy Community Reported: