Why Aren't You Creating Cool Video Content ? [VIDEO]

Presenting at FILEX earlier this year in Sydney, Australia was spectacular. What has been even better are the many emails I receive from the inspiring fitness professionals down under who have become friends. Today, I got another note, this time from Tony Wrightson Programs Manager at Aquafit Fitness & Leisure , who wrote:

"Just touching base quickly to fill you in on a recent project here at Aquafit. Your presentation at the PT Summit really opened my eyes up to the need to embrace social media as part of our business development etc. The video link and attachment will explain it but I just wanted to share this with you. We feel confident that we achieved our objective with this video (capturing so much more about our culture and personality than words ever could), but the exercise was also an extremely positive one for the entire team and has provided an unexpected injection of morale and fun-factor that is an added bonus. Win or lose at the awards.....as cliche as it is this exercise has opened our eyes to how powerful this kind of activity can can be.

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The Australian Health Club Industry - Justin Tamsett Interview

What is happening in the Australian Health Club Industry ? Of course attending FILEX would tell you a lot, but if you listen to my interview with Justin Tamsett below, he recaps some key trends :

Growth, Consumer Misperceptions, Physician Referrals, Internet Driven Sales and Social Media.

Interestingly, there are a lot of similarities between Australia and the US. Watch the interview below and tell me, Bryan O'Rourke, what you think about the similarities between the two countries regarding the health club industry ?

BTW, if you are interested in physician referrals, which Justin mentions, check out www.carywing.com to learn more.

5 Important Technology Trends For 2011



During my upcoming IHRSA presentation on using technology to improve member sales and retention I'll touch on 5 key technology trends. I'll also be sharing some of these concepts and more during the FILEX presentation in April on the future of the fitness industry.

Let me know what you think. How are these trends impacting your fitness or wellness business ? Contact me Bryan O'Rourke and please share your thoughts.