The Coming Golden Age Of Health & Fitness - Abundance
/In the Australian Fitness Network Magazine's upcoming Autumn 2012 edition, I had the privilege of contributing a piece for their "Perspectives" segment. Without giving away the contents of the article which will be released soon, I'll include a small portion, "the fitness industry in on the brink of a golden age, one involving tremendous change wrought with risk for those unable to see what's coming and opportunity for forward-looking professionals who do."
Whether its the health club bifurcation trend, my thinking on the maturity of extant bricks and mortar delivery or the view of how creative destruction is going to remake health and fitness in general, hopefully readers understand that I think technology, global ism and shifting demographics are revolutionizing the industry.
I think some might believe this thinking is negative (I've heard the talk). As my friend and colleague Michael Scott Scudder recently shared with me, "your writings are on-target, even though tough to digest." In reflecting on Michael's digestion point, I wanted to make sure people knew how optimistic I really am by providing some perspective. Pain will always come from change. Hence my writings on Digital Darwinism. But things are really looking up. So to prove this point, I thought some more capable people could do it for me.
Enter the recent book by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler titled, Abundance : The Future Is Better Than You Think. You see participants who think the view that creative destruction is a negative should consider its all how you look at it - from the position of scarcity or abundance.
Abundance, a New York Times best seller that was only recently released, it shares the view that there is real reason to be optimstic as the result of a number of trends. They specifically list 4 drivers and the video below does a great job of setting forth a positive view of the future. Watch the video below to learn more and check it out. When I say the health, fitness and even medical industries are in the midst of fundamental revolution I mean it; and that's not a bad thing - its a great thing.
So what do you think ? Do you think the health club and fitness business is going through a positive revolution ? Do you concur with the views of Abundance ? Please contact me Bryan O'Rourke and share your thoughts. I'd love to hear from you.
About the author:
Bryan O’Rourke is a health club industry expert, technologist, financier, and shareholder and executive in several fitness companies. He consults with global brands, serves as a member of the GGFA Think Tank is Chair of the Medical Fitness Association’s Education Committee, is President of the Fitness Industry Technology Council and a partner in Fitmarc, Integerus, Fitsomo and the Flywheel Group. To learn more contact Bryan here today .