What Digital Darwinism Means To The Health Club Industry


Going through my morning content over tea I came across this from Brian Solis:

I love Brian, but what do you ask is he talking about ? I think I know.

Conveying to leaders in the health club industry, or leaders from many businesses and industries for that matter, that: 1) change is coming very fast and 2) the future will entail new business models and ways of doing things that will be very different from the past, often falls on deaf ears. While its lonely being the voice of a revolution amidst the monarchy, what Brian Solis is saying is true and Digital Darwinism is an important concept to explore. Here's why.

What Digital Darwinism speaks to the survival of the fittest, that will rapidly distinguish winners from losers. Companies, and industries, that possess certain preferred traits in their organizational DNA or that have superior skills of self-adaptation are positioned to flourish in a quickly evolving consumer and digital ecosystem. Those without either face almost certain extinction.

Like many industries and businesses the Health Club Industry is being revolutionized. As with publishing, movies, music, and retail, among others, the bifurcation trend, an evolving consumer, new economic realities, globalism and technologies are all here and they will drive the growth of low cost chains, hi-end engagement studios, digital alternatives and a large number of new options, some of which we haven't seen yet. The way clubs engage members, deliver programs, market and price their offerings are all coming under intense fire and the future will be different from the past.

What are health club owners, professionals, executives and managers to do ? It starts with two things: 1. Recognizing that dramatic change is here and 2. changing the mindset, which requires new voices from outside to create new thinking.  Changing the mindsets is critical.

So what do you think ? Share your thoughts with me, Bryan O'Rourke, and watch Professor Vijay Govindavajar discuss how innovation occurs and what it takes for organizations to get there. Thanks Brian Solis and thanks Professor Govindavajar. Will anyone listen ? Digital Darwinism is here wether we like it or not.